In ancient times humans used to battled with beings known as demons for control of the world. Eventually, with the power of technology and meme magic, humans were able to do battle with these demons on equal footing. After hundreds of years of this conflict humans were victorious, and demons went into hiding rarely venturing outside of their realm. When they did demon hunters were always there to battle them.
The Temple of S believes that demons were created by the God of Evil as his servants. The demons were given dominion over the world, and humanity had to overcome them to prove their worthiness. There is no proof for this claim, but it has become a common belief amongst fans of S. Other theories include the possibility that demons are ancient Earth spirits or even aliens.
Regardless of what is true, the question is, should the demons be allowed to continue living, or do we need to exterminate them once and for all? The arguments for both sides are strong. We could argue that killing demons would make the world safer. However, not all demons could be considered bad. Some have helped humanity in the past. Should we kill those too? Or should we let them live among humans to see if they can learn to coexist?