Christian Nihilism?

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  • #346 Reply | Quote
    Jester Teller

      So let’s discuss what Christian Nihilism actually is and why it’s based. I take it as meaning that we can’t make positive assertions about God like He exists, and that nothing outside of God has any meaning.

      #347 Reply | Quote

        But is that not the most rational starting point? Before God (or before accepting anything else for that matter) there cannot be any such thing as an absolute positive assertion regarding reality.

        #348 Reply | Quote

          Yes, God is the source of all meaning, but we DO have meaning because God gave it to us. Likewise, the world has meaning because it serves God’s purpose. Nihilism is not compatible with Christianity unless you do mental gymnastics and twist the meaning of things. So this is really only a mildly funny joke.

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