Does randomness exist?

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  • #359 Reply | Quote
    Jester Teller

      I don’t think we can say true randomness exists. Random is simply a word we use when there is a factor determining the outcome that is unknowable. I suppose if God exists then that would be the closest thing to an absolutely unknowable factor.

      To prove a factor is random we need to establish that there are no causality links that would indicate otherwise. A coin flip is not random because it had been affected by gravity, air pressure, the wind and who flipped the coin.

      With true random there should be no apparent causes to determine the results. However, consider that you need to eliminate all possible causes, even supernatural ones. In other words, you’re not going to prove randomness exists.

      #362 Reply | Quote

        If God determines RNG then he has blessed me in gacha games. Sometimes anyways. In the case of AI it can produce varying results, but we know it’s not random because computers use a seed for RNG

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