Oh boy time for a religious debate

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  • #690 Reply | Quote
    Jester Teller

      I figured we should have an open ongoing thread on debating Christianity. Really, all of the videos on this YouTube channel bring up good points against Christianity.

      So let’s start with the objective morality argument. While it’s true that objective morality can only come from God, this video points out how God goes against his own standards in the Bible. Do you agree that we can judge God by his own rules and what he claims about himself, or is there a defense that’s actually solid?

      #692 Reply | Quote

        You can’t judge god by his own rules because he is god, and he is right and infallible. His rules are correct because he wrote them, and if he changes the rules, that is what is right for the time. You don’t get to tell god what to do.

        #693 Reply | Quote

          I don’t think some of these are as big of a deal as he makes it out to be. Others are harder to answer. We can’t really hold a being that is infinitely greater and more knowledgeable than us to our standards. It’s more of a problem that he’s seemingly inconsistent about His justice. But once again He knows what’s truly in these people’s hearts and what they will do. So He may have reasons beyond what we can know.

          #695 Reply | Quote

            Right. He is god and is perfect in every way. He is good, just and powerful and perfect in every way. His justice and righteousness are unmatched, and if he does something we think is wrong, it is because we have a flawed understanding of reality and a warped perspective of truth. There is no right or wrong. Just truth and falsehood. We must learn to accept God for who he is, or else we are doomed.

            #697 Reply | Quote
            Jester Teller

              There’s a problem with all this though. He has the right to do whatever he wants, so he must be subject to whatever standard he puts into place. You can’t have an unchanging moral law and then say that he has the right to ignore it when he pleases. The Christian worldview can’t be a contradictory mess of truth and falsehood. It’s either true or not. We should judge God by his own standard because the Christian God has told us what that is, and that standard is based in objective reality, so that means there is an objective moral reality. He is saying, “I’m good and just.” So he should either live up to it or be a liar.

              #699 Reply | Quote

                When did God ever say He was held to those standards? He created His laws for our benefit. Clearly at some points God has to kill people, but He knows for sure if that’s justified or not. For instance, do you think He shouldn’t have flooded the world and just let all of humanity be damned? Because if everything became corrupt then Christ could not come. People complain about their being evil, but then complain when He actually does something about it. I don’t think either of us can prove anything for sure on this point so lets move on.

                #701 Reply | Quote

                  Sure, Mechtild.

                  #703 Reply | Quote
                  Jester Teller

                    Then what about God’s promises to believers that he obviously doesn’t keep or are just nonsense as this video goes over?

                    One I would add is that Jesus claimed his followers would do miracle as great or greater than his. Do you see any legit miracles being performed today? If your faith is so great, Mechtild, then why can’t you do miracles?

                    #705 Reply | Quote

                      Miracles are conditional on it being God’s will. So we shouldn’t expect those to be guaranteed. How can you be sure no one after Jesus did perform real miracles? As for the other promises, once again they are conditional or they aren’t being interpreted right. I’m not going to pretend I have all the answers or can excuses everything, but you need to come up with a more solid argument against the Bible that doesn’t depend on interpretations or unknowns.

                      #737 Reply | Quote
                      Jester Teller

                        It’s a good point to bring up because supposedly Christians have more direct access to God than the Hebrews did. Yet have you heard God speak? Have you, despite all your supposed faith performed miracles? Jesus said his followers would perform ones just like he did. Has anyone received any prophecies that isn’t obviously crazy, a cult leader, or just wants attention? And don’t go saying maybe no one has enough faith because isn’t there always at least one family with strong faith in the bible stories?

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